As we enter into the 2021 Camping Season nothing has changed, except COVID seems to be easier to get.  As a registered nurse, I believe prevention is the answer to any disease process. What I mean by prevention, would be to have good hand washing, wearing a mask, not taking risks, getting a vaccine, etc.

South Haven Jellystone Park™ was very lucky during the 2020 camping season.  No one that we knew got COVID, all of our team members maintained there health.  Since then though, it has been a different story…we have had one team member get COVID in November, December, March and  now April.  I would love to say that this is where it ends but I do not think so.  It seems quite frequently that we hear that someone came into contact with someone that is positive.  Like today, one of our new team members is now placing their selves into quarantine for 10 days.  It is our number #1 goal to provide our guests with a clean, sanitized and healthy area to camp and to spend time outside, where the chance of getting COVID is greatly decreased!

Let’s be realistic though, we may be short handed, it might take us longer to get through the line or to make your pizza BUT we have some really GREAT staff that will work hard for you!  They love to see your smiling face or to hear your Childs’ laughter! Our Team Members want to make sure that you are having FUN and ENJOYING your stay with us.  Please keep in mind, we are ALL tired of COVID but we WILL require folks to wear a mask in our buildings or if you come within 6 feet of another individual outside, i.e. like jumping on the jumping pillow.  I, like my husband Kyle, have had our vaccines, but we will still wear our masks out of respect of all of you.  You too, will need to wear a mask too.  This is NOT political.  We want another banner year like last year, without our Team Members getting sick.  The last thing we want to do, is to close down the campground and cancel YOUR reservation due to our staff getting COVID.  We are a SMALL business, with minimal staffing and it would not take much to close it down.  Please respect our rules, we want everyone to be safe.

If you need more information or have questions, take a look at the document that came out yesterday regarding FAQ of COVID and Michigan…

Public Health in Michigan-FAQ of COVID

We can not wait to see all of you…only 1 week until we open for the 2021 Season!

Kyle & Susan Novotny

Per State of Michigan Executive Order 2020-110
Backdated…June 1, 2020 @ 3:35 pm –


Per the Executive Order:  Unless otherwise prohibited by local regulation, outdoor parks and recreational facilities may be open, provided that they make any reasonable modifications necessary to enable employees and patrons not part of the same household to maintain six feet of distance from one another, and provided that areas in which social distancing cannot be maintained be closed, subject to guidance issued by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Under this order, retailers will be allowed to resume operations on June 4. Restaurants and bars may reopen fully on June 8. Swimming pools and day camps for kids will also be permitted to reopen on the same day. Those businesses and activities will be subject to safety guidance to mitigate the risk of infection.

Outdoor social gatherings and events among persons not part of a single household are permitted, but only to the extent that:

  • The gathering or event does not exceed 100 people, and
  • People not part of the same household maintain six feet of distance from one another.

Unless otherwise prohibited by local regulation, public swimming pools, as defined by MCL 333.12521(d), may open as of June 8, 2020, provided that they are outdoors and limit capacity to 50% of the bather capacity limits described in Rule 325.2193 of the Michigan Administrative Code, and subject to guidance issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. Indoor public swimming pools must remain closed.

Per State of Michigan Executive Order 2020-100
Updated…May 22, 2020 @ 7:35 pm –

The “Stay at Home” order has been extended to June 12, 2020

As an essential business, we have been open since March.  Although we may not be able to provide the “recreational camping” experience that one might expect from a Jellystone Park, but we can allow you to enjoy the great outdoors.  Enjoy hiking, biking, walking and eating a s’more under the stars.  If you need a place to stay during this pandemic, then we are here for you.  Whether it is a cabin, cottage, or site.  If you are from Michigan, you must qualify under one of the 21 exceptions provided under “VIII.  Exceptions” of the current Executive Order.  The latest Executive Order where they are listed is 2020-96

***Please note during this time of the “Stay at Home” the pool and playground is not open.  We have some social distancing activities for you to do on your own.  We offer FREE bike rental, scavenger huts, geo-cacheing, and take & make crafts at your site.  When we have staff available, we will offer jumping pillow (25% occupancy maintained) for your recreational pleasure.  If you are on the jumping pillow a mask must be worn (as you may jump within 6 feet of another guest), socks must be worn, and hand sanitizer is provided before and after jumping.

What are our current updated mitigation measures?

Guest-to-guest interactions:

  • Must maintain social distancing. Otherwise, will be asked to leave.
  • No more than 10 people will be allowed to gather together at a site.
  • No visitors allowed into park.
  • Bikes cleaned after each use.
  • Jumping Pillow use
    • Socks must be worn
    • Mask must be worn
    • Sanitizer used prior to entering time.
    • Sanitizer used after getting off each time.

Guest-to-staff interactions:

  • We will maintain social distancing (at least 6 feet).
  • Site delivery for wood, groceries, and/or café.
  • Acrylic/Plastic Sneeze Guards/Barriers placed at every register (arriving at any moment.)
  • Markings placed on floor for guests to enable them to stand at least six feet apart from one another while waiting in Ranger Station or outside of the Cartoon Café.
  • 8 People are limited in the Ranger Station at one time, which will include the staff.
  • Only 1 guest allowed in Cartoon Cafe (to order) due to staff and size restrictions.  Order online or call:  269-637-6153 ext 108
  • Guests and Staff must wear mask if entering Ranger Station and/or Cartoon Café. Staff working outside will only wear a Mask, if 6-foot social distancing not available.
  • Increase standards of facility cleaning and disinfection to limit worker and guest exposure to COVID-19.
  • Staff will wash hands/use hand sanitizer in between transactions/interactions
  • Signs posted & reminding required social distancing & mask use
  • Providing online ordering, curbside pickup, and site delivery,
  • Encourage contactless payments (no cash).
  • Minimal Staff working
  • Sanitizing Cabins/Cottage/Golf Cart Keys when returned and again when handing out.
  • Utilizing Zoom & Facebook Events for Bear Appearances and activities.

Staff-to-staff interactions:

  • Health Screenings prior to every shift.
  • COVID-19 Training Provided
  • Staff encouraged to stay home if sick and will be sent home if sick.
  • Mask worn if working inside, Mask worn outside, if 6 foot social distancing not available.
Per State of Michigan Executive Order 2020-77
Updated…May 12, 2020 @ 8:05 pm –

Our Michigan Governor EXTENDED the Stay at Home order until May 28, 2020.  Our campground is OPEN for specific and qualified guests.

These 2 questions, were listed under the FAQ’s of the Governors Executive Order.

Q: Does Executive Order 2020-77 prohibit persons from engaging in outdoor activities that are protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?


A: No. Persons may engage in expressive activities protected by the First Amendment within the State of Michigan, but must adhere to social distancing measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including remaining at least six feet from people from outside the person’s household.

(Our View on this…)

The First Amendment:

Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition.  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Therefore, if groups of campers want to peaceably assemble to show or prove that camping is a great activity to socially distant from COVID-19, then that is okay…. PROVIDING that everyone does it in a socially responsible way.  MEANING all must stand/sit at least 6 feet apart and it is a peaceful assembly.  


Q: May campgrounds remain open for public use under Executive Order 2020-77?

A: In general, no. Recreational camping at campgrounds who rent to individuals who otherwise have a primary residence and are traveling to the campground for non-COVID-19-related purposes are not permitted under this order. However, in some limited cases, workers at campgrounds may be critical infrastructure workers to the extent they “provide temporary or permanent housing for… shelter … for … otherwise needy individuals.” For purposes of the order, the term “otherwise needy individuals” includes anyone residing in a campground at the time the order was issued OR anyone seeking shelter during the current pandemic. They may also remain open to the extent they are used for COVID-19 mitigation and containment efforts and to serve critical infrastructure workers.

*****If a licensed campground serves in the above capacity, it may only engage in activities to provide shelter and basic needs. In engaging in those activities, it must limit guest-to-guest, guest-to-staff, and staff-to-staff interactions as much as possible and must adopt all other mitigation measures required by section 11 of the order. It may not provide additional on-site amenities such as gyms, pools, spas, entertainment facilities, meetings rooms, or like facilities, or provide in-house dining.

(Our View on this…)

Needy Individuals:

We think that the answer says it for us: “anyone seeking shelter during the current pandemic.” 

This is no different then anyone walking into a hotel to get a room.  If anyone needs a place to stay, we are open for you.  Whether you have an RV or needing one of our cabins or cottages.  We must remember that there is a “Stay at Home” order until 5/28/2020.  In this current “Stay at Home” order there are some exceptions that qualify you to be traveling.  Please see those exceptions farther down in this update. 

Our resort provides an outdoor setting with fresh air.  The hotel can not provide that.  We have the ability to have our guests bring in their own RV, sleep in their own bed, bathroom, and use their own kitchen.  Can not get any better than that!  You can if you like, sit outside (right outside of your own RV) and have a campfire, look up at the sky and see a star or two.  In our opinion, the fresh air is better than any HVAC unit/air filter in a hotel/motel.

What are our mitigation measures?

Guest-to-guest interactions:

  • Must maintain social distancing. Otherwise, will be asked to leave.
  • No more than 10 people will be allowed to congregate at site.
  • No visitors allowed into park.

Guest-to-staff interactions:

  • We will maintain social distancing (at least 6 feet).
  • Site delivery for wood, groceries, and/or café.
  • Acrylic/Plastic Sneeze Guards/Barriers placed at every register.
  • Markings placed on floor for guests to enable them to stand at least six feet apart from one another while waiting in Ranger Station or outside of the Cartoon Café.
  • 8 People are limited in the Ranger Station at one time, which will include the staff.
  • Guests and Staff must wear mask if entering Ranger Station and/or Cartoon Café. Staff working outside will only wear a Mask, if 6-foot social distancing not available.
  • Increase standards of facility cleaning and disinfection to limit worker and guest exposure to COVID-19.
  • Staff will wash hands/use hand sanitizer in between transactions/interactions
  • Signs posted & reminding required social distancing & mask use
  • Providing online ordering, curbside pickup, and site delivery,
  • Encourage contactless payments (no cash).
  • Minimal Staff working
  • Sanitizing Cabins/Cottage/Golf Cart Keys when returned and again when handing out.

Staff-to-staff interactions:

  • Health Screenings prior to every shift.
  • COVID-19 Training Provided
  • Staff encouraged to stay home if sick and will be sent home if sick.
  • Mask worn if working inside, Mask worn outside, if 6 foot social distancing not available.

Exception List

We have highlighted the exceptions in RED, of those that have used by our guests that needed a place to stay.

These options are verbatim from the Governor’s most recent Executive Order-

2020-77 Exceptions.

(a) Individuals may leave their home or place of residence, and travel as necessary:

(1) To engage in outdoor recreational activity, consistent with remaining at least six feet from people from outside the individual’s household. Outdoor recreational activity includes walking, hiking, running, cycling, boating, golfing, or other similar activity, as well as any comparable activity for those with limited mobility.

(2) To perform their jobs as critical infrastructure workers after being so designated by their employers. (Critical infrastructure workers who need not be designated under section 5(a) of this order may leave their home for work without being designated.)

(3) To conduct minimum basic operations, as described in section 4(b) of this order, after being designated to perform such work by their employers.

(4) To perform resumed activities, as described in section 10 of this order, after being designated to perform such work by their employers.

(5) To perform necessary government activities, as described in section 6 of this order.

(6) To perform tasks that are necessary to their health and safety, or to the health and safety of their family or household members (including pets). Individuals may, for example, leave the home or place of residence to secure medication or to seek medical or dental care that is necessary to address a medical emergency or to preserve the health and safety of a household or family member (including in-person procedures or veterinary services that, in accordance with a duly implemented non-essential procedure or veterinary services postponement plan, have not been postponed).

(7) To obtain necessary services or supplies for themselves, their family or household members, their pets, and their motor vehicles.

(A) Individuals must secure such services or supplies via delivery to the maximum extent possible. As needed, however, individuals may leave the home or place of residence to purchase groceries, take-out food, gasoline, needed medical supplies, and any other products necessary to maintain the 6 safety, sanitation, and basic operation of their residences or motor vehicles.

(B) Individuals may also leave the home to pick up or return a motor vehicle as permitted under section 9(i) of this order, or to have a motor vehicle or bicycle repaired or maintained.

(C) Individuals should limit, to the maximum extent that is safe and feasible, the number of household members who leave the home for any errands.

(8) To pick up non-necessary supplies at the curbside from a store that must otherwise remain closed to the public.

(9) To care for a family member or a family member’s pet in another household.

(10) To care for minors, dependents, the elderly, persons with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons.

(11) To visit an individual under the care of a health care facility, residential care facility, or congregate care facility, to the extent otherwise permitted.

(12) To visit a child in out-of-home care, or to facilitate a visit between a parent and a child in out-of-home care, when there is agreement between the child placing agency, the parent, and the caregiver about a safe visitation plan, or when, failing such agreement, the individual secures an exception from the executive director of the Children’s Services Agency.

(13) To attend legal proceedings or hearings for essential or emergency purposes as ordered by a court.

(14) To work or volunteer for businesses or operations (including both religious and secular nonprofit organizations) that provide food, shelter, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals, individuals who need assistance as a result of this emergency, and people with disabilities.

(15) To attend a funeral, provided that no more than 10 people are in attendance.

(16) To attend a meeting of an addiction recovery mutual aid society, provided that no more than 10 people are in attendance.

(17) To view a real-estate listing by appointment, as permitted under section 10(g) of this order.

(18) To participate in training, credentialing, or licensing activities permitted under section 10(i) of this order.

(b) Individuals may also travel:

(1) To return to a home or place of residence from outside this state.

(2) To leave this state for a home or residence elsewhere.

(3) Between two residences in this state, including moving to a new residence.

(4) As required by law enforcement or a court order, including the transportation of children pursuant to a custody agreement.

(c) All other travel is prohibited, including all travel to vacation rentals.

We do not want to spread the COVID-19 virus to any of our guests or to any of our team members.  If you do stay here, please note, that this is not a “Get out of Recreational Camping” FREE Card.  We take this virus very seriously and respect the limitations that must be exercised.

We will not tolerate, the following:

  • Social gathering of more than 10 people per site.
  • Guests not adhering to the 6 feet social distancing rule.
  • Guests not wearing a mask inside our Ranger Station and/or Cartoon Café.
  • Guests not Assembling Peaceably.
  • Guests that do not abide the Quiet Hour.
  • Guests inviting Visitors to Visit.

We are following the guidelines set forth from Governor Whitmer:

  • Our Pool is Closed
  • Our Jumping Pillows (2) are closed.
  • Our Activities will be limited to self-led or social distancing activities only.
  • Our Arcade Alley is closed.
  • Limited Hours for take-out from our Cartoon Café.
  • Limited Hours for our Ranger Station.

Please do not ask for a discount, because amenities are not open.  They are closed for a reason, for your health and safety.  We have incurred increase costs (not less) for health & safety equipment, cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer, increase training, increase payroll with less income.  So unfortunately, there will be no discounts available.  This pandemic has had a profound effect on us and we still hope to be in business when this is all over.

Per State of Michigan Executive Order 2020-59

Updated…April 25, 2020 @ 3:35 pm – We will remain closed to recreational camping.  Next update will be prior to May 15th, the current end date of the “Stay at Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order.

We will have open doors, only to the following:

  • Critical Infrastructure Workers
  • Needy Individuals that have nowhere else to go
  • Individuals that have to travel, and meet one of the sixteen exceptions in Section 7, listed on the 2020-59 Executive Order.

We will continue to follow all social distancing guidelines and other mitigation measure to protect our team members and guests.  All guests that are allowed into the park, as they are from the above represented classes will have to agree to the same social distancing guidelines.

All Amenities, Rest Rooms, Ranger Station will remain close.  Propane pick-up and delivery will be available.  You can use the online store for any items that are needed, and picnic table delivery will be available.

UPDATED…April 8, 2020 @ 11:50 am – As a family focused small business along with many small businesses, this COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us and how we do business.  It has caused much stress, worry, uncertainty, and financial strain with our guests, our team members and with us as a business.  The impact cannot feel more real than with the victims of the Coronavirus.  Our hearts go out to all the families that have been personally impacted with COVID-19.

Our mission at South Haven Jellystone Park™ is to provide each guest with a quality camping experience in a clean and entertaining environment.  That mission has not changed, even in these uncertain times.  What has changed, will be how we accomplish it.  We continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic daily and sometimes hourly.  We will continue to change and take steps that are necessary to safeguard the health of our families, our team members and our guests.  We, along with other Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resorts are committed to providing families with safe, enjoyable experiences to help them through these trying times.

We will follow the directives set forth from the State of Michigan, the CDC and the federal government during this state of emergency.  In order to combat the spread of COVID-19 in Michigan, Governor Whitmer signed the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order.  Until April 30, 2020, all Michigan businesses and operations must temporarily suspend in-person operations that are not necessary to sustain or protect life. All Michiganders must stay in their homes unless they’re a part of that critical infrastructure workforce, engaged in an outdoor activity, or performing tasks necessary to the health and safety of themselves or their family (like going to the hospital or grocery store).  What this means is that we will be closed to Recreational Camping during the month of April. There is a tentative open date of May 1st.

Campgrounds in Michigan are only considered part of that critical infrastructure if we are providing temporary housing or shelter for anyone seeking shelter during the pandemic.  We can also be open to serve critical infrastructure workers.  We must limit guest to guest interactions, as well as guest to staff interactions as much as possible.  You are the primary person responsible for you and your family’s health in this time with COVID-19. We would love to say we can guarantee everyone’s safety while visiting South Haven Jellystone Park™, but we cannot.  COVID-19 has everyone guessing how it is transmitted and it changes daily.  First, we are told “don’t wear a mask”, and now we are told we should wear one.  What we know, is hand washing is necessary and that helps stop the spread of ALL viruses.  We will do our best to decrease the spread of the coronavirus, but we do not know if the person that touched the door handle right after we cleaned it, might have just contaminated it.  Please take your health seriously and those that you are responsible for, and please have respect for others.

Please read further, as to how our operations have changed to meet the executive order. During your stay with us, we ask that you follow these guidelines during this state of emergency and to follow the guidelines as recommended by the CDC and South Haven Jellystone Park™:

  • Frequent hand washing. If soap and water is not available, use a hand sanitizer with >60% alcohol as an ingredient.
  • Avoid touching your face, i.e. mouth, nose and lips
  • Wash hands prior to eating finger food.
  • Social Distancing is a must-please stay 6 feet away from guests and team members alike.
  • If you are to sneeze or cough, please cover your mouth. Use your shirt, inside your elbow, a handkerchief or use a mask if you can’t do any them.  Let’s respect others “air space”.
  • Wear a mask when going out, where social distancing may be difficult.
  • If you are not feeling well, stay home.
  • Do not congregate in groups.

Changes due to the Executive Order 2020-22 – April 2020:

  1. Our telephone lines are open from 9 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday. We will attend to our guests needs by telephone.  We will try to avoid person to person contact as much as possible.  We are asking our guests to use a cashless system.  Using a chip credit card or taking a telephone order is our way to avoid handling money to decrease spreading the virus.  Social distancing is mandated for the safety of our team members and you, our guests.
  2. Restrooms are unfortunately closed. We can rent our cottages or rent any Full Hook-up RV site, as long as you meet the required guideline’s.  You must camp in a self-contained unit to stay here.  In other words, your RV has to have a bathroom.  We cannot rent any tent or cabin sites.
  3. While here, you are to be practicing “shelter-in-place.” For camping purposes, this means stay at your site or in close proximity to your RV unless you are taking a walk around the park. When walking around the park social distancing is necessary.
  4. If you are seeking shelter or are an essential worker, you will be checked in remotely. You will find your check-in packet in our nighttime registration area.
  5. No visitors are allowed to enter. No park drive-thru’ s will be granted at this time.
  6. Propane is available by drop-off/pick-up. You must call ahead and pay.  Social distancing of 6 feet or more must be observed.  Due to the current situation, we cannot offer partial tank filling.  Propane will be charged based on the tank size that you have.
  7. The game room will remain closed.
  8. The pool will remain closed, as its normally doesn’t open until Memorial Day Weekend.
  9. No Recreational Activities or Bear Appearances on the weekends in April. No recreational equipment will be able to be checked out.
  10. If you have an existing reservation for April, we will be contacting you to cancel your reservation or we can move it to another date of your choosing.


Changes due to the Executive Order 2020-59 – April 24, 2020:

  1. If you have an existing reservation for May 1- 15th, we will be contacting you to cancel your reservation or we can move it to another date of your choosing.
  2. Same changes remain in effect from above Executive Order 2020-22.



Updated 4/25/20 – As we move forward…

As we move forward, we hope to open May 15th, although we know we have to be flexible with this pandemic and this may change in a moment’s notice.  We will continue monitoring the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local health agencies for the developments and guidance.  We will continue to update you as we know of these changes.  Since we are currently closed, we may come across additional changes once the resort is open.   We may have to change our processes and procedures to reflect those changes.  We ask for your patience as we go through this unprecedented situation.


Team Member Changes:

  1. We have developed a policy on screening our team members on arrival. If they fail the screening, they will be asked to seek medical attention or stay home in quarantine.
  2. We are notifying our team members on the changes that we are making due to the coronavirus. These changes include cleaning, sanitation, frequent handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer throughout the resort.
  3. Indoor team members will wear masks, as well as guest will have to have their own to be in our Ranger Station. (per Executive Order 2020-59)


Cleaning Changes once opening to the public:

We have always followed the proper protocols regarding disinfection and prevention of diseases. We have and always will use professional grade chemicals in our daily cleaning.  Rest assured due to the current pandemic; we have intensified our cleaning efforts as we try to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.    These are some of the changes that we have instituted:


  • Registration Station:
    • Sanitizing Cabins/Cottage Keys when returned and again when handing out.
    • Sanitizing Golf Cart Keys when returned and again when handing out.
    • Disinfecting Counters and Computers, every 2 hours
    • Disinfecting ball point pens after each use.
  • Ranger Station:
    • Disinfecting ball point pens after each use.
    • Frequent disinfecting of ATM.
    • Disinfecting credit card machine after each use.
    • Frequent disinfecting of store displays
  • General Campground:
    • We have increased sanitation and disinfection of our hard surfaces and touchpoints.
    • Disinfect with Bleach Solution each Septic Hook-ups on discharge/prior to check-in
    • Disinfect each electric box on discharge or prior to check-in.
    • Spray Bleach Solution on picnic table to assist with disinfection, along with the natural UV rays of the sun.
  • Bathrooms:
    • We will disinfect bathrooms every 2 hours, during the day.
  • Golf Carts:
    • We will disinfect golf carts after each use.
    • Only same family can ride on golf cart.
  • Registration Station:
    • Payment and signature obtained prior to check-in
    • Utilize CampersApp for Check-In Process
    • Please download CampersApp on phone.

Ranger Station:

    • Limited Hours.
    • Limit the amount of people that are in the Ranger Station at one time.
    • Working on an online store to assist with the needs of our guests.
    • Cashless system. To assist with this, we ask that you buy an in-house gift card with your cash.
  • Cartoon Café:
    • Working on an Online Ordering
    • Pick up or Delivery only
  • Sud Station:
    • Coin Mechanisms wiped down every 2 hours
    • Hard surfaces wiped down every 2 hours.
    • Disinfectant available prior to use.
  • Activities:
    • Smaller groups with Social Distancing maintained.
    • Will have online sign-up for crafts, at the same time offer more to make sure everyone is attending that want to.
    • Might have pre-packaged kits
    • More to come on this…
  • Bear Appearances:
    • We will maintain social distancing
    • May offer photo bombs
    • More to come on this…
  • Jumping Pillow, Kids Corral:
    • Closed
  • GaGa Ball Pit & Basketball Court
    • Will be closed to groups
    • Open to families in same household
    • Must bring own ball.
  • Arcade Alley:
    • Closed.
  • Pool:
    • Closed.
  • Mining Sleuth
    • Each Mining Screen will be sanitized with a bleach solution after each use.
  •  Tractor/Fire Truck Rides
    • To be determined
  • Bike Rental:
    • Will have some changes, to be determined.
    • Disinfecting and cleaning of bikes after each use.

We are deeply saddened by this change in our operations and hope to be back to business as usual in the near future. We will continue to share updates and stay connected through Facebook® and our COVID-19 webpage.

The coming months will be very challenging for all of us, but we are confident that we too will get through this.  God willing, we will persevere!   Spending time together as a family, being in the outdoors in the fresh air, sitting around a fire, making s’mores can go a long way to alleviate stress and anxiety.  That is why Jellystone Parks are so popular and we know we will get there again.  No one, more than us, want to return to normalcy and to once again help families create memories.


Kyle, Susan, Kylie & Jimmy